About Lydian

Cases +
Years +
We are here to redesign your body and mind. Our professional medical team boasts over 10,000 operations over the course of 20 years. With our expert guidance and customer-focused consultations, Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic is here to support patients from their first consultation until the last visit.
At Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic, we treat every patient like family. Your safety, health, and well-being are our top priorities, from consultation through recovery. We’re committed to supporting you throughout the entire process.
Customized Experience
Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic values comfort and openness, and thus takes our consultations very seriously. Each patient has their own, unique voice and tastes, and we are dedicated to respecting this by providing the most accurate procedure plan.
Exceptional Results
At Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic, patients can expect a thorough consultation to determine the healthiest and most aesthetic results for their unique body type. Regardless of the procedure, we have specialists in every individual sector.
Looking for Revision Surgery?
Look no further than Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic!
We have seen many cases of clients suffering from botched plastic surgeries. We understand this affects our patients on more than just a physical level, as it can lead to emotional and psychological damage. At Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic, we are dedicated to boosting your confidence and appearance by achieving your originally desired results. This is supported by our expert techniques, facilities, and services. From the start, we will identify all of the problems, provide thorough analysis, and redesign your shape through consultation, treatment, and 3D imaging technology.
Redesign your body with Lydian
Upon deciding to partake in a plastic surgery procedure, the next step is to choose the clinic. How can you know Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic is the best choice?
Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic rejects societal beauty standards promoted by social media and celebrity culture. We believe each patient has their own unique beauty that we aim to enhance. Our goal is to not only restore your physical appearance but also boost your confidence to be fully yourself. Dr. An Kyung-chun brings over 20 years of experience and thousands of satisfied reviews to ensure you receive the best care and results.
Lydian Chief Doctor: An Kyung-chun

Graduate of Korea University, College of Medicine
Training at Korea University Guro Hospital
Professor at Korea University, College of Medicine
Listed in the world’s 2nd largest human dictionary (IBC & ABI 2006)
Former) Director of Pure Plastic Surgery
Former) CEO of Selfia Clinic
Former) Representative Director of The Saeroy Plastic Surgery Clinic
Former) Representative Director of NB Clinic Gangnam Station Branch
Former) President of Nb Clinic Network
Academic Institution
Member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Surgery
Member of AOA American Society for Obesity
Member of NAASO North American Society for Obesity
Member of ASLMS American Society of Laser Medical Surgery
International advisory Member of SIMOE Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine and Aesthetic Surgery
Member of the Korean Society of Fat Plastic Surgery
Member of the Korean Society for Obesity
Member of the Korean Scalp and Hair Society
Member of the Korean Laser Society
Member of the Korean Society of Family Medicine
Member of the Korean Society of Geriatrics

Lydia is a biblical character who financially supported the church as a cloth merchant from Thyatira. Lydian therefore has two references: those with a noble mission and mind, as well as our Chief Director, Doctor An, who aims to ‘redesign’ not only the human body but the mind. Through Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic’s visions and skills, we aim to be a channel of blessing that serves as a light to those who come into contact with it.
— Lydian Plastic Surgery
Maybe you have seen us on YouTube! Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic is famous for its YouTube channel, ‘Dr. An’s Obesity College.’ We create videos about liposuction, abdominal muscle surgery, and various other cosmetic procedures. Don’t miss out—subscribe to our channel today!
Hospital Facility
Floor 2 Lobby
Floor 2 Frontdesk
Floor 2 Doctor An’s Office
Floor 2 Consultation Room
Floor 2 Procedure Room
Floor 2 Treatment Room 1
Floor 2 Treatment Room 2
Floor 2 Treatment Room 3
Floor 2 Photo Room
Floor 4 Surgery/Recovery Center Front Desk
Floor 4 Second Lobby
Floor 4 Consultation Room
Floor 4 Treatment Room
Floor 4 Surgery Room
Floor 4 Local Anesthesia Room
Operation Hours and Getting Here
10:00 – 19:00
10:00 – 19:00
10:00 – 19:00
10:00 – 19:00
10:00 – 19:00
10:00 – 16:00
WhatsApp: +82-10-6381-8446
Address: 836 Nonhyeon-ro, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
How to Get Here: 300m to the left of Exit 3 of Apgujeong Metro Station on Subway line 3 (Orange Line)